Michigan Cherry

Cherry Acai | Blueberry Acai | Cherry Capsule | Health Benefits | Testimonials | Contact Us
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Welcome to Michigan Cherry!!!

We offer two new healthy products for you, our Cherry Acai [click to order] and Cherry Capsule [click to order].

Cherry Acai & Blueberry Acai
Acai has ten times more antioxidants than grapes and 30 times more anthocyanins of red wine.

Cherry Capsule
New Capsule design with NO STICKING!
More Anthocyanins (130 mg) than before!

Read out more about the health benefits of cherries and blueberries!

Read the History of Lyle & Susan's Business.

How do you spell pain.....???

If you have noticed a significient difference in how you feel after taking our products we want to hear from you. Contact us with your testimonial and a picture if you wish. Read current customer testimonials.

Questions or comments? Contact us!

Cherry Acai | Blueberry Acai | Cherry Capsule | Health Benefits | Testimonials | Contact Us
Wholesale/Business Opportunities

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